Sunday, February 1, 2009

Thoughts on Bounce Rates

January is now over and February has arrived. I began writing blogs to blogger at the beginning of this year. To me, blogging is sort of another form of a journal for me. At any rate, I suppose my life is rather simple or uninteresting to most of the world, so I guess I can be safe on what I write.

Anyways, as many of you know (if you have been following my blogs), I am in a web analytics class. As such, we were told to track our site traffic using Google Analytics. I must say it's neat. However, one sad thing is my traffic is low. Why? Again, most likely what I said in the beginning paragraph (not interesting). As I looked at my stats, I remembered one of the topics covered in class: Bounce Rates! It's a way to see the quality of visits. If you have a high bounce rate, it means people are coming and then leaving immediately (or not staying long enough to get a good visit). I guess it could be compared to a movie. If the movie is really good, some people will come early to get a good seat. Then they watch the entire film. If it's an even more captivating movie, some people will stay until the end (thus, the length of time spent at the theater is lengthened). The same can be said about a bad movie. If it's terrible most people can't wait to leave. Some might even walk out.

In comparison, my site is, I suppose, a slightly poor movie. My current bounce rate is around the mid-upper 50%. I suppose my blogging is a bit like one of those family videos you take on one of those special occassions and it is pretty much never watched until a family member decides to look at it (or asked to). So, yeah, most of my visits have been family members. So, thanks to you all. I guess it could be worse. I could have no visitors.

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