Thursday, January 29, 2009

It Finally Happened...Sort of.

I am a PC user. Always have been. Probably always will. Anyways, the reason I do is because I am a business major. I would say most businesses use PC for simplicity. They are cheaper, and since other businesses usually use PC, it's more compatible.

At any rate, I have grown tired at Mac users. They always say that Macs are more superior in every aspect. They claim Macs last longer, run faster, and don't get viruses. While I would agree that Macs have a nice "look and feel," I still don't think they are worth the price. Also, I dislike the fact that if I had a Mac, I would need to find a way to make everything compatible with PCs. I'm all about simplicity, and all I could see by switching over to a Mac would be a pain. Sure there are the "Mac Genius" where they cut the switching costs, but that still doesn't solve the problem with distributing files to PC users.

Anyways, now that you know my background about Macs and PCs, I wanted to blog about a funny article I read. This is the link: Now, if you are too lazy to read it (but, for some odd reason still reading this blog), the article is mainly about a virus that hit Macs. The article says that about 20,000 Macs were hit by the virus. I actually laughed when I read this. I could see the reaction of those users... "A virus????" Still, it was interesting to see that Macs are finally getting effected...sort of. Now, why I say sort of is because the virus only comes from pirating software through BitTorrents. So, only those who are doing illegal stuff are getting hit. Well, at least Macs are finally proven they aren't totally "invincible."

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