Sunday, July 5, 2009

My 4th of July - Running From a Bad Situation

Yesterday was the 4th of July. The day we celebrate the freedom of our country. Now that I am living in Virginia (at least for now), I decided it would be good to see fireworks at our Nation's Capital (or around there). At any rate, since I don't have a car, I had one of my roommates to drop me off at the metro station. It was about 12:00 when I began my adventure. Since I don't like being by myself when going on adventures I tried to call some friends. Turns out all of them were unable to get with me. Even so, that wasn't going to stop me from enjoying the 4th.

Most of the day was spent walking to about three of the Smithsonian museums. I am glad I had taken a few art history classes in the past, so I was able to enjoy my little adventure to the differnt museums. Since this blog isn't about my adventures looking at art, I will begin with retelling my unfortunate encounter with being dependent on others for a ride. Especially those who decide to drink...

So, I had an okay time waiting and watching the short spectacle of fireworks DC displayed. I think I'm spoiled from Disney...I wasn't too impressed. But, it was the 4th of July and I was in DC watching fireworks - so that was a plus. When that was over a bunch of the people I was with (and my ride) decided to wait out the crowds of people by going to someone's apartment to have a small party. I figured what the heck (especially since my ride said they would only stay for a short while). This was a mistake I would regret for the rest of the night.

As we continued towards our destination, I began to realize that we were walking an awefully long way. A few from the group started to complain, but I figured since I had been walking all day already, a little longer shouldn't matter...Little did I know we would end up in Georgetown...a long ways away from not only the Washington Monument (where we started), but also a long ways away from any Metro Station. If I had known this, I wouldn't have gone.

Now, I've been a bit too comfortable with parties that don't involve drinking. I sort of figured since that most of the group was under 21, there would be minimal drinking (too bad this was not the case). Now, I don't mind social drinking as long as it doesn't get out of hand. I personally don't drink, but I can't stand the smell of it. I almost would compare the smell to smoking (which also gives me minor headaches if it's strong enough), but alcohol is about 10x worse for me. When I smell it in the air, or as strongly on someone's breath, I can get very severe headaches. Well, since I knew this I stayed as far away from those who drank. I started getting restless as some of the underaged ones started to drink...worse off is I don't think they knew when to really stop as they became louder and more childish. I must admit one person was rather silly to claim she did not drink beer but, drinks wine instead...she did indeed at first refused a beer. However, in about 5 minutes she had a beer in her hand and was drinking it...sad. Being the oldest one there, I was even more saddened to see their version of a "good time" was drinking more and more. Alcohol really messes people up. Nearing 12:45 AM I was beginning to get restless. I felt it was nearing the time to go home. As I sat by some of the people there one offered me a smoke... one she had rolled up herself. That was the last straw. It was time to leave.

I quickly got directions from one of the people there and I began my long trek back to a Metro Station. Unfortunately for me, Georgetown doesn't have metro lines, so it was roughly 15 blocks before I could reach another station. Even so, I decided to run. I had to clear my head of all the childishness, the drinking, and the makeshift drug usage. Luckily I had my iPod with me and I was off: away from it ALL!

My run was not too bad. It was kind of nice to block out all the noise with my iPod. All the drunk people in the streets didn't bother me at all. By the time I reached the Metro and was nearing my destination it was nearing 1:30 AM. I later received a call from one of my roommates. He had gone to another party (a better party) and thought I would be done before him. When he arrived at our apartment, he saw I wasn't there and called so see if I was okay. I told him where I was and he went to pick me up (saved me another 2 miles of walking/running). So, I arrived home safely...

I survive to live another day...

1 comment:

  1. What a crazy story! That was really nice your roommate called to see if you were okay.
