Friend's answer: 25 or 24 (sometimes they can't decide)
Family's answer: 25
Real Answer: 25
People who meet me for the first time: 23 or younger...sometimes under 20
Yeah, it gets a little annoying sometimes. I get questions like "when are you going to go on a mission?", "are you a freshman?", or "what do you want to be when you grow up???" It's kind of sad really. I don't think I look that young. Sure I look younger than the typical 25 year old, but still. I am currently in my last semester of graduate school and I still have people asking me if I'm a freshman...when I say, "no...I'm a graduate student getting a masters in Information Systems" I usually get an "oh..." and then an awkward silence follows.
I must say, two days ago I had the worst question asked. I used to think "what do you want to be when you grow up?" was the worst question asked. It was about noonish and I was the only one home at the house. Now, as a college student I share a house with 3 other adults. However, since I was home I answered the door. I then found a salesman at the door. I have yet to find a salesman witty enough to catch my attention, as I have done some sales in the past during grade school and served a mission. Anyways, I figured he wasn't going to be very interesting until he asked, "is your mom or dad home?" I began to think "you have got to be kidding me." At least it did give me an easy way out by saying they were not at the house I currently reside in. Needless to say, I did not buy anything from him.
Well, I guess I shouldn't be too upset with it all. I guess it has had its advantages at times. Who knows perhaps when I'm really old, I'll still look good for my age...or something like that. Either way, I guess I should just be grateful that it isn't something else...