Getting Data and Importing Data
1. To add more data to the Excel Spreadsheet you must click weekly data.
2. Next select the date range
3. Finally Export the data in CSV format.
4. At this point I recommend that you download your CSV files to a specific folder. That way you can reference the hard copy data later.
5. Next, open the Excel Analysis Spreadsheet. Open ONLY the file specific to the data you want to upload. Then, click on the Data Menu button.
6. Next, a small window will appear and you may now select to import data. The reason I have this menu, is perhaps at a later date, someone may modify this menu to graph the data.
7. Once clicked you need to find the CSV file you want to upload. Click on that file and it will upload all the data.
8. After the data is uploaded the program will automatically get the average of the data and use it as a base for the “Medium” level data. The “Low” is one standard deviation from the average and the “High” is one standard deviation above the average. The rest of the data is highlighted in a conditional formatting according to the “Low, Medium, and High” conditions.
Adding Metrics
If you want to add or delete metrics you need to be aware of a few things.
1. There can be no blank lines between classes or metrics. See below:
2. Your course names and metrics must match the names and metrics of Google Analytics’ CSV file. See below: